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LOGA Appoints Ronnie Murphy to DOTD State Freight Advisory Committee

Tanner Watson
Communications Director

BATON ROUGE, LA (May 8, 2023) - The Louisiana Oil and Gas Association today announced that they have appointed Ronnie Murphy, Founder of United Vision Logistics to the Louisiana state Department of Transportation & Development’s (DOTD) State Freight Advisory Committee (FAC).

LOGA President Mike Moncla issued the following statement:

“Ronnie Murphy has years of proven expertise in the transportation and logistics industry over a long career as the Founder of United Vision Logistics. His involvement and support of LA-1 from the beginning has provided us with safer highways for transport, as well as for the general public. In addition, Ronnie has always been a team-driven, safety-first guy. All of these qualifications made it an easy decision to appoint him to this new committee at DOTD.

Ronnie will assist the committee in reaching their goals of:

• Identifying goods mobility challenges, risks and vulnerabilities

• Developing best multimodal freight transportation investment strategies

• Exploring information sharing and good mobility risk assessments

• Providing DOTD with input and feedback on the freight transportation network, operations,  policies, and program needs and investments

We are proud to have Ronnie represent LOGA in this important committee.”


Tanner Watson

Tanner Watson
Communications Director
Louisiana Oil & Gas Association