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LOGA Legislative Recap: Week of May 10

Tanner Watson
Communications Director

I’m happy to report that our legacy bill (SB 459) passed out of the Senate Judiciary A committee on Tuesday.

We still have a long road ahead of us, but this was a HUGE hurdle cleared to get it out of the committee that has a reputation of being “where bills go to die.”

You can watch my testimony here.

Some more good news from this week: the Senate passed Rep. Beaullieu’s bill to reduce the severance tax on orphan and inactive wells (HB 418). It was amended in Senate Rev and Fisc to clarify the tax period through September of 2028, so now it has to go back to the House for another vote before being sent to the Governor.

The House also passed Senator Lambert’s air monitoring bill that we’ve supported, SB 503. It was amended by the House, so now it has to go back to the Senate for final passage.

The Governor signed the first of our tracked bills this week, Rep. Villio’s HB 211 (Monitor), which amends the Anti-Skimming Act to include microchips.

Visit the LOGA Tracker to stay up to date with all of the latest legislative action.

- Mike Moncla

Tanner Watson

Tanner Watson
Communications Director
Louisiana Oil & Gas Association